Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Celebrating the Holidays

Happy Holidays!

The holidays are over as I write this. It's New Year's Day and I've been watching football all day long. I enjoy watching good football games and there have been some good ones on today. The holidays began Christmas Eve at the in-laws. My sister-in-law introduced me to a sweet treat called Rum Chata. Mmmmm.

Inside the Ice show. It's incredibly cold. The ungloved hands didn't stay that way for long.

We decided to do something different this year, so we headed down to Kissimmee to see the Ice show at the Gaylord Palms. Friends, let me confirm that nine degrees is FREAKING cold! That's how cold the rooms had to be to keep the ice from melting. The ice slide was fun, too. Yes, this middle-aged female slid down as well as the younguns. 

M being funny. I still laugh at this one.

M looks thrilled to stand beside Santa.

Blowing my nose after Ice was necessary as the sign implies. My sister-in-law was going to take our picture going down the ice slide, but her fingers went numb and the iPhone stopped working after too long exposure to the cold. The good news was her fingers resumed feeling and the phone started working again.

Family photo the Colombia Restaurant in Celebration, FL.

Below a family photo just before going in to the Ice show.

It's snowing in Celebration. Actually, a better description is "it's foaming in Celebration".
 Part of the fun this year was also going to see Cirque Du Soleil. It was a very enjoyable show. Definitely recommended if you haven't seen it.

Like all good tourists, we headed over to the Boardwalk and saw some palm trees beautifully decorated with a light show.

The light director must have been a Gator. Orange and blue, so pretty!

So, we had a few fun Disney inspired days. Thanks to Nancy for wonderful hospitality.

A special thank you to Wendy for stepping in at the last moment to care for our boy. You rock!

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