Saturday, June 06, 2009

Christmas in June?

Things happen for a reason.

A number of months ago I suffered a life altering experience such that my future retirement income as a street corner musician was in jeopardy. Little did I know that this incident would route my musical career in a new direction.

I have played classical guitar for the past 4 years and have tinkered on a steel string acoustic guitar. I would never be caught dead playing an electric guitar. For one thing I am not a rocker and I preferred to stay away from an instrument that required an electrical current. There was always something about the acoustic sound that warmed me inside.

Well, my friends, I have seen the promised land! Miriam and I stepped into Lipham's Music store and my life has changed.

A little background is necessary here. Due to the adverse event of last year, I have been forced to play less classical and more contemporary music (basically because it's easier and requires fewer fingers). My wonderful guitar teacher has introduced me to the blues which I've always enjoyed listening to. I've been attempting to play this new genre of music on my classical nylon string guitar. And it's been okay, but not great.

Which leads me back to my story. I picked up a stratocaster style electric guitar after a brief introduction from a young salesman there. He told me about their audio room and that I was free to plug in the guitar and get a feel for it and its sound quality. OH...MY...GAWD! I now get it. It was wonderful. It was better than I ever thought it would be. I felt the earth move under my feet...

I am now trying to convince Miriam that it is okay to have Christmas in June. After all, doesn't the historical record indicate JC was actually born sometime in June? The good news is she's on board with the purchase - we just don't share the same time table. I want it now - she wants it later.

So, here we are. Christmas now or Christmas later? Cast your vote by submitting a comment. Much like the 2000 election, if comments aren't going my way, I'll simply suppress them or not count them.


  1. I'm an immediate gratification kinda girl, so...go for it! Life is short. That way, you get an additional 6 months to master your new guitar!

  2. I agree. Now is the time. As Ben Franklin said, "Lost time is never found again".
    By supporting your position do we get raincheck for a free concert with the Balcintro Blues Band?

  3. "OH...MY...GAWD! I now get it. It was wonderful. It was better than I ever thought it would be. I felt the earth move under my feet..."

    We couldn't decide what would be worse...having an experience like that and and then having to wait a looong time to get the guitar OR live with someone who wants it that badly but can't have it now?
    The Debs P.S.
    Lisa, can we book you for live entertainment at Club Debs?

  4. WHAT?? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? Just what the neighborhood needs - another Pete Townsend...! PLEEEZE! For the sake of the humans - and the canines - STOP AND THINK ABOUT THIS! Keep the electricity in the hands of the pros. What happened to the quiet, classical guitar?? Bring it back!!
    Very Sincerely... Your Dogs' Shrink

  5. Sometimes Christmas in July. I'd say move it up a month - Christmas in June sounds grand!
