I'm watching "Meet the Press" right now - Joe Biden is being questioned by Tom Brokaw. I see now why Sarah Palin is not doing these shows - she wouldn't be able to answer any of the questions. It's amazing how much Senator Biden knows about Iraq and the Middle East.
I also saw a brief clip of Bill O'Reilly interviewing Barack Obama. I have to give Obama a lot of credit being interviewed by Bill. I will be going back and watching the entire interview. Personally, I wouldn't have given Bill O'Reilly the time of day - he's certainly no journalist - he's just a mouthpiece of the Republican Party.
You know this is so unfair - Tom is asking Joe about domestic issues now. Where the hell is Sarah Palin?! Why isn't she out there answering these same questions?!
There are only about 60 days left until the election - and the Republicans are telling us that they are not yet ready to allow Palin to answer any questions?
If you're not mad as hell, then you're not paying attention.
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