Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Death in the Afternoon (or Ode to a Squirrel)

For those of you sensitive to death - the image below may contain material too graphic for your senses.

Picture this - Gainesville, late afternoon, blue skies, birds chirping at the feeder, Peanut on the deck - waiting and watching - suddenly you hear a squeal - "oh, shit!" you whisper - you jump up from the dinner table and rush out the door ---

Death came quickly to the squirrel - mercifully. This kill was number two for the week - the first kill being a rat stalked several nights earlier. You ask yourself, "Why does she kill?" and "Why do I have to bag it and dispose of it?". Then you realize - this is a valuable skill - Peanut might finally earn her keep. We will advertise her as a "rat terrier" or "squirrel terrier" - aren't there some who would pay to rid their yards and gardens of rodents?

Peace is at hand once again - dinner is lukewarm - a glass of wine will wash it down nicely...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lisa, thankfully the picture wasn't too graphic.At first I thought it was a baby fox. Hope you're having a good week. Mine started slow but is going well. No rain here though we need it. The yard is starting to look brown.

    Bye. Nat
