Sunday, August 03, 2008

I took this picture of one of our hummingbirds this morning - we love to watch them.

I was also called into service this morning. Genny wasn't up to going to church, so I sat with her for a few hours this am while Buddy went to church. My guitar accompanied me and I played nearly non stop all that time. I must not have hit too many bad notes, because Genny said it relaxed her. She was kind of funny - she woke up and said, "Well, I slept through that one." And in my mind I'm thinking, actually, Genny, you slept through the last five - it just seemed like one to you. Anyway, I got in some good practice and played a bunch of music I hadn't seen for months. And Genny is really good for my ego - she loves all my playing and never seems to hear my mistakes!

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